Saturday, April 18, 2020

Elysian Inspires

What happens in career counseling?
At some point in time all of us are indecisive about what career to pursue or whether what you have decided is the right thing for you. Most of us take advices from relatives, friends, and parents or follow the footsteps of peer group, siblings, etc and decide through unscientific methods without sufficient deliberation. Subsequently, we get to face dissatisfaction and frustration in future with both career and life.
There is a dire need to understand that for a satisfying career before making any decision one should invest some time and resources in getting proper career counseling from a trained and certified counselor. This shall invariably ensure a fulfilling life and career taking you through the career path that brings success and happiness for you.
Now, what stops us from reaching a counselor? It is majorly due to lack of awareness of the counseling process and how it can benefit you. Let us first understand what exactly happens in career counseling.

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